
I can't believe that I am graduating in less than a week

8:54 pm

I did promise that I would be more consistent with blogging this year... but life happens. I have been crazy busy these last few months and now that I look up, I realize how close I am to graduation.

Marveling-Mind Photography
On Monday last week, I was having bad symptoms of "senioritis" (the illness that seniors get when they are ready to be done with the foolery) and sent out a prayer to God that he would give me motivation. That same day I had a meeting with an advisor from a visiting professional program and I did not really have an agenda for our meet up, but just wanted to learn more about her school's program. We chatted and had a great conversation, which she ended by saying, "it looks like you have had a good undergraduate career, now all you have to do is finish strong."

Now anyone could have said this, but I am truly thankful that the message that I needed to hear came at the right time, and from the person that I needed to hear it from. Here I am three finals away from the finish line and I intend to do just that... finish strong. Congratulations to the class of 2017, we're almost there!

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