You don't know how loved you are

6:15 pm


There's something beautiful about being reminded of how much you are loved... 

I was at the car dealership with my parents shopping for my very first car as a working adult, and to be honest, I was stressed. I had been saving for a new car for months but hadn't planned to make the purchase until the beginning of next year. Unfortunately, the previous car that I was driving broke down, and for my safety, I knew it was time to invest in a new vehicle. Anyone who has ever been to a car dealership may be able to relate to the frustrations of negotiating for a car: unneeded pressure from car salesmen, lengthy wait times with processing information, and the daunting stress of adding a host of new bills to your monthly expenses. It can be a lot. 

It was nearing the end of the day and we found ourselves tired at the third dealership, yet interested in one particular vehicle that though slightly outside of my budget, was a perfect fit for me. As I test drove the car and inspected it, I began to realize that it was the one I wanted. I had done the calculations and with my down payment, I knew I would just be able to afford the estimated monthly payments. As the true Nigerians we are, we made sure to try to haggle the price down for the best deal (especially my dad). I was so thankful that I had my parents' expertise to help with the decision, and also happy that they were allowing me to trade in the family car that they had given me to use since my early college days. As I was waiting on the salesman to return so that I could seal the deal, my dad said something that stood out to me. He said, "Michelle, you don't know how much you are loved."

I was moved by his statement, and replied with gratitude saying how thankful I was to have parents who devoted their whole day to help me find a car, and time and time again come through to support me through life's transitions. 

When the car salesman came back to discuss what I put as a downpayment, to my surprise, my dad stepped in and ended up telling the car salesmen that we didn't need to take out a loan. He told the man that he would cover the remaining balance of the car's cost. (Insert praise break here!) 

I didn't expect it, I certainly didn't ask for it, but my dad decided to cover the very thing I had been stressing over throughout my entire car search - the cost. If you ask me, the highlight of that weekend wasn't the awesome new car. My highlight was being reminded of God's character shown through the generosity of my parents. 

God has already worked everything out for our good.

Was the fact that my car broke down something good? No. In fact it was annoying and I hated the entire situation. However, God used that occurrence to catapult me into a blessing I never saw coming. God can't be anything other than good, which means he gives good gifts to those who trust in Him. Many of the things we stress over, God has already worked them out.

In addition to catapulting me into a new blessing, God used this opportunity to remind me of one of the blessings I currently have - my parents. I could go on and on about how great my parents are, and their generosity in this instance reminded me of how much I have to be thankful for. 

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." James 1:17

Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a blessing to others.

I'm not going to lie, after I began having car issues, I started strategizing ways to save money knowing that a huge expense was on my radar. I had a couple of opportunities to give financially to help others, but retracted my desire to give by rationalizing that I should save money and put it towards a car. Had I known that my dad would step in to cover what would have been years of debt, I would have jumped at the opportunities to be a blessing to others. How often is it that we neglect to serve others in order to satisfy our own desires? For me, it's more than I'd like to admit. That is directly contrary to how God has called His children to put others before ourselves. When we realize how blessed we are, it automatically drives us to desire to be a blessing to others. In fact, I left the weekend praying that God would bless me one day to be able to give my parents the cars of their dreams.

"The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25

Do you know how loved you are?

If my earthly father is capable of loving me beyond what I imagine, how much more does my Heavenly Father who is the embodiment of love? I don't know what your situation is, but I felt called to write this post for someone who has forgotten who and whose they are. Whoever you are, you don't know how much you are loved by your Creator. We will never understand the complexity or depth of His love, which knows no bounds. Someone who was willing to experience death for sins that we have committed and still commit today. A God who placed you on earth at the exact moment he did, in the particular body you are in, with the specific family you were born into. He handcrafted you in your mother's womb, He knows the number of hairs on your head, He knows you by name... He loves you so much that He desires quality time, consistent communication, and wants nothing more for your soul than to be able to dwell with Him for eternity. Whatever it is you are stressed about, God has it covered. You, my friend, are loved. Let that sink in... 

"'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the Lord, who has compassion on you." Isaiah 54:10


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