
The Art Museum

6:53 pm

While South Bend is not known for being the most exciting place in the world, I've been finding out that there are definitely things to do if you put effort into looking for it. The South Bend Museum of Art, though small, is peaceful and has some great artwork from local artists in the area. 

I got the opportunity to shoot at the gallery with Vinnie, an up and coming photographer in the area, and wanted to share some of my favorite shots.

A B O U T   T H E   P H O T O G R A P H E R

Vinnie is a South Bend native who enjoys photography, videography, and is overall very tech savvy. Follow him on Instagram @naturalkidd808 and check him out on YouTube as well! Click Here to see his channel.

top: thrifted
jeans: H&M
shoes: Akira
hat: Forever 21

Art Spotlight: Harry James Paradis 
American 20th century

Around 1950s



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